Windy Affair | Cycle Across Canada

July 2nd cycling against the wind into Thessalon, we were looking for another piece of grass. While at the Info Centre, we were approached by Jack and Sheila who were very interested in our jouurney. They invited us to stay on their 42 ft dream sail boat (Jo and Steve eat your hearts out!!) How could we say “no”? We shared a pizza, and sailing and cycling stories. They are sailing ther Great Lakes all summer, and maybe the US East coast next year.

Sheila has a pet on board. A Japanese fighting fish which she keeps in a vase and every night she tortures the poor thing by putting up a mirror next to it. She calls it “exercise”. OK, you think that’s weird, she also takes it out of the water, holds it in her hand, and pest it and talks to it. It is the lengths she has gone to because Jack won’t let her have a dog or cat on board! Seriously though, they are a very kind and interesting couple, and we hope one day to return the favour. When we get the opportunity we will let you see them and our boat when we get the chance to download some photos for a picture gallery (Ingrid and Esta please note!)
After coffee and another visit early in the morning, a hug “goodbye” we tore ourselves away, and headed for Echo Bay and lunch where we met Bob and Theresa who gave us valuable information about the road ahead and a donation for the cause.
A motel overnight in The Soo (Sault Ste. Marie to the non-Canadians!) I was overjoyed by the prospect of aa long soak in a hot bath while trying to decide what is for dinner tonight. Peace out – Maxine