This year’s ride took place on 10th and 11th September, and was for both “oldies” and “rookies” alike, but all of us in our Life Cycle Team had ridden before – it was in fact, Maxine’s 19th Trek. In contrast to the rain of last year, we had two great sunny days! Here are some photos of our Team:
Jill at the finish on Trek day 1.
Maxine crosses the finish line closely followed by team member Rose, on Trek Day 1
Dave on his way to the finish on Trek day 1.
As a Team, we had hoped to raise $7,500 but managed to reach $6,451. The total for the Trek itself was one of the lowest in many years, which is probably a sign of the poor state of our economy. But a very special thanks to our main sponsor The Medicine Shoppe – Comox It is thanks to their kind donation that we achieved this amount.
Very many thanks to our friends who generously gave their support!! Would we do it again – certainly! And it will be Maxine’s 20th ride!
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