We lucked out at a great B&B in Clearwater where they were so interested in what we were doing they arranged for the local paper to come and interview us at breakfast the next morning. Wow, and was breakfast good. The best so far with a lot of the secret ingredient. A couple from Isreal were also staying and gave a donation. We would have liked to stay and chat with them more. Very interesting couple. So after a photo session with our cheery reporter and a goodbye to our special hosts, we rode off with a tailwind to Kamloops.
While having dinner on the street at a Greek restaurant we were given 2 more donations from people who had passed us on the road. After eating we went to a B&B not meant for cyclists. Up a hill posted 15% grade! I wanted to have a tantrum but that is hard on a bike, (she used the “f” word …. Dave) so up we went. The next morning we bought a couple of sandwiches for the road and set off for Coquihalla, part one. Check out the photo gallery no.7 for this one. We seemed to climb forever (total elevation gained over 50kms was 1245 Metres!). It was fun at the summit taking pictures and getting honks from cars and our silent supporters, the truck drivers.
The ride down to Merritt was great fun. We are certainly gaining interest from passers-by from our flags, and I really enjoy when the young ones come up and ask about where we have been and where we are going. It’s fun to see the exprestions on their faces.
Right now the Merritt library has given their support by opening up a special room for us to blog on. Another show of kindness that we always seem to find.
Breakfast and press interview Wyndhaven Place B&B. Best breakfast ever. 🙂
Stay tuned for Coquihalla part 2. peace ….. Maxine